we’re never too old And it’s never too late.
Latest blogs
This past year has been another mindfuck of midlife. I’ve neglected my blog, started a new career in teaching, and done more self-exploration than before I started Midlife It. Now, I’m ready to share again…
Here’s a compiled list of the top 10 travel destinations specifically for people our age; perfect blend of natural beauty, cultural experiences, and opportunities for adventure.
As time becomes more precious, it's essential to focus on practical steps that can secure your future. Here are some tips to consider…
Let’s face it, midlife just isn’t always the greatest. Sometimes we need a little reminder of how to get ourselves back on that horse and in the game.
We’ve all got dreams and bucket lists we’re just itching to tic off. Well, here’s mine…maybe I’ll see you on one of these adventures?
Turning 40 is definitely the time when you should start doing certain things and, surprisingly, stop doing certain other things. Here's a humorous take on the top 10 things NOT to do after 40…
Where you’re from doesn’t determine where you’re going - but appreciating it might help navigate. I’m from the Midwest. Where about you?
Weight gain during menopause is no fun. Managing it might feel like an impossible feat, but with some strategies and proactive planning, there are some ways to get back to the pre-menopausal body you remember.
Fitness isn’t just for the young—it’s even more important during midlife and menopause too. Here are some tips to consider.
Hair loss due to menopause can feel incredibly distressing. Exploring a few coping strategies might offer some comfort. Here are a few ideas to consider…
Hot flashes during menopause can be one of the most frustrating of the elements. Luckily, there are several natural alternatives to consider implementing into your self-care plan. Here are few ideas, but know it’s always important to share any changes with your choices with your health-care provider for additional support.
A healthy midlife lifestyle means giving up smoking as well as getting regular exercise and sleep, but it’s also important to eat a healthy diet for menopause. Here are some simple guidelines for good nutrition for menopause.

Midlife is when you realize you’re strong, beautiful, enough, and tough as a mother…
Don’t you wish you’d known this sooner?
Midlife isn’t the end of all things new and exciting—it’s often just the beginning. I went back to school summer of 2023, and I’m flourishing…