Back-to-School During Midlife
Midlife isn’t the end of all things new and exciting—it’s often just the beginning. I went back to school summer of 2023, and I’m flourishing…

Menarche and Menopause
Perimenopause and teenage premenstrual syndrome can really challenge a mother-daughter relationship. Fortunately, I’m finding more ways we can connect during this phase of our lives…

Midlife Career Change
This past year has been another mindfuck of midlife. I’ve neglected my blog, started a new career in teaching, and done more self-exploration than before I started Midlife It. Now, I’m ready to share again…

Parenting During Menopause (part 2)
My grandma used to tell me having kids killed any motivation she had in the kitchen. I thought she was joking. Then I had a few of my own and hit midlife.

Midlife and Money
Over the years my relationship with money has changed. I used to be terrified of being without - going broke or homeless or worse. Now, I’m just determined.

Fear of Failure In Midlife
I was afraid to start this blog. What if it failed and no one read a thing? Fear of failure in midlife is especially real. Can you relate?

Friends In Midlife
Friends made in midlife are different. And I suck at making new ones. At least I think I do. How about you?

Shades Of Gray In Midlife
When my daughter was 2 years old, I stopped dying my hair. Does she think I’m old now? And how should I feel if she does?

My Insomnia and Menopause
Before motherhood and midlife, sleep and I had a love affair. Since, sleep has never been the same. Then the battle of menopause and insomnia reared its ugly head.

My Mood Swings and Menopause
I used to think mood swings were a byproduct of one of three things: PMS, mental illness, or Mercury being in retrograde. Then, I hit perimenopause. At any given moment, little irritants of my husband and kids become outright attacks of guerrilla warfare.

My Menopause Diet Plan
After college I got body conscious. My clothes stopped fitting and I couldn’t afford to replace my wardrobe. Then I had kids and perimenopause symptoms hit including menopause belly. How could I cope?

My Anxiety During Midlife and Menopause
Do you know what sucks worse than Insomnia during menopause? Anxiety during menopause.

Death and Midlife
My friend died the other day and it got me thinking. What would you do? What would you want? And how would you want to be remembered and honored?

Parenting During Menopause (part 1)
How foolish could I have been to think I was ready to be a mother? I had my first-born at 29, but had no fucking clue what was next. Fast forward 7 years and two more kids, and perimenopause hit to make things even more complicated.

My Midlife Passion and Purpose (Part 1)
Some women struggle with their first career change at midlife. I’m on my third - or maybe fourth or fifth depending on who you ask. I had my first in my mid 20s…

My Anxiety Before Midlife and Menopause
My therapist mentioned the phrase “high functioning anxiety disorder,” but I dismissed it. Then I hit midlife and menopause…

Perimenopause and The Beginning of My Awakening (Part 2)
I’ll never forget the morning I learned I was pregnant with our unplanned #3 (or the pregnancy of my menopause manifesto). It was early – 6 a.m.-ish. My 6 and 3 year old were making noise somewhere in the house while my husband and I, zombies that we were, begrudgingly made breakfast. I was grumpy, which wasn’t unusual. Everything felt like a symptom of menopause and besides, I’d become used to being woken by the kids, night sweats, or a trip to the toilet.

Perimenopause and the Beginning of My Awakening (Part 1)
During the fall of 2015, I started having a taste of insomnia and hot flashes. At first I thought it was just exhaustion from sleep deprivation. Then, my life starting spinning and perimenoause hit full force…

My Menopause Story
When I was young I rated midlife age women to be the coolest, most free spirited, outspoken, vivaciously beautiful humans on the planet. Then I became one…