Looking Good In Midlife: Skin Care For 40s, 50s, and Beyond


Many women start to notice the signs of aging once they’re over 40. Your skin may look dry and flaky due to lower estrogen levels, and less elastin and collagen means more wrinkles or loss of firmness.

At Midlife It, I’m very positive about the aging process. But however you feel about it, a healthy skincare routine for 40s and beyond is really important. It’s the best way to ensure that your skin looks its best and stays as healthy as possible.

So whether you’ve always been a skincare aficionado or have just been getting by with soap and water so far, here are a few guidelines for the best skin care in your 40s and beyond.

  • Choose the right moisturizer

Moisturizing your skin will keep it looking soft and glowing, but it’s really important to choose the best skin care products for 40+ year olds. Look out for one containing antioxidants like vitamin C and E to counteract the damaging oxidative stress effects of free radicals.

Depending on your skin type, you may now prefer to switch to richer creams containing ingredients like ceramides and hyaluronic acid. These help to rehydrate and plump your skin.

  • Exfoliate regularly

Skin cell turnover gradually slows from your 40s onwards, and dead skin cells on the surface of your skin makes it look dull.

You might like to treat yourself to a facial treatment at a professional salon, but there are plenty of scrubs and exfoliators to use at home. Retinols help banish dullness and dryness to give your skin that dewy fresh look we all love, and look out for ingredients like Retin-A, vitamin C and peptides.

  • Hydrate well

Drinking plenty of water is important for good health, but it also helps your skin look its best by boosting your skin’s moisture levels.  

It’s important to top up regularly as your skin finds it hard to retain moisture as you get older. Plain water is best, but you could try adding some fruit to your water or drinking low caffeine fruit and herbal teas as well.

  • Wear sunscreen

Sunscreen is a vital part of good skin care over 40. UV rays from the sun can damage your skin, causing lines, altering pigmentation and increasing your risk of skin cancer.

But being in the sun also helps your body to produce vitamin D so applying sunscreen daily really is vital. It won’t undo any previous damage but it will protect your skin from further harm.

So if you haven’t been applying sunscreen daily, now is the time to start.

  • Get plenty of sleep

In your 20s, you could probably get away with staying out late and still looking fresh the next morning, but those of us in our 40s or older aren’t so lucky. A late night or too many drinks will probably show up on your face, so a good night’s sleep is vital for good skin care in your 40s.

**If you’re struggling to get your full 6-8 hours each night, these sleep tips for midlife can help.

You may have to take a little extra time over your skincare routine in your 40s, but your skin will thank you for it. It will help to keep your skin looking healthy and glowing in your 40s and beyond.

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